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Timing various R constructs

1D single-key lookup timing in R: testing the speed of several methods to look data up in 1D structures in R, using integer keys and values. Only assessing single-key lookup. Benchmark it with python dict.

1D vectorized lookup timing in R: similar to the one above, but now testing longish vectors of keys. Benchmark it with python dict and pandas.

2D table lookup timing in R: testing a few methods to look data up in 2D tables in R, and benchmark it with python/pandas.

Speed of loops in R: testing built-in and foreach-family loops for different data size and parallelism.

Other notes

asymptote: notes about asymptote vector graphics langage.

math cheatsheet: various mathematical and statistical formulas.

maxima: notes about maxima computer algebra system.

SparkR Notes: notes and solutions to certain issues I have had with SparkR.

Bad photocopy effect with gimp: how to create text that looks like a low-resolution photocopy.

OO Mapper tutorial: how to use OpenOrienteering Mapper for various tasks.

imaxima on Ubuntu 20: how to fix the latex errors.