
How to fix imaxima in Ubuntu 20.04


imaxima is an emacs interface for maxima that prints the results as latex-processed images. This looks much-much better than the default ASCII-art.

Unfortunately, the default imaxima installation in ubuntu 20 (Maxima 5.43.2) is broken. The problem boils down to the way imaxima creates latex format. In particular, the function imaxima-dump-tex in /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/maxima/imaxima.el contains lines:


Apparently, in the current texlive one has to load amsmath before flexisym package, so these lines should look like


Unfortunately, this is hard-coded into the function and not configurable.

I could have fixed these lines in the file, or in a copy of the file, but instead, I copied the most recent (Maxima 5.44) imaxima.el and imaxima.list into my local ~/share/emacs and put it in front of the load path by

(setq load-path 
      (append (list (concat (getenv "HOME") "/share/emacs"))

5.44 has seen quite a bit changes related to how emacs interacts with the latex process, and this problem has gone away too :-)

Hope I did not break anything else.